How Is The Strength of A Magnet Measured

Curie Temperature:

The Curie temperature represents the maximum temperature beyond which a magnetic material stops having permanent magnetic properties, reverting to a non-magnetic state.

Operating Temperature Range:

This range defines the temperature within which a magnet functions without considerable performance degradation.

Temperature Impact on Neodymium Magnets: Neodymium magnets typically present a lower maximum operating temperature compared to other magnet types. Standard N grade neodymium magnets operate the best at temperature up to around 80°C. Enhanced high-temperature grades can withstand operational conditions up to 150°C or beyond.

Temperature Coefficient:

This metric quantifies the variation in a material's magnetic properties with temperature.

Impact on Neodymium Magnets: Neodymium magnets exhibit a negative temperature coefficient, indicating a decrease in magnetic strength with rising temperature.